Queensland Home Care Service Area
St Vincent’s Home Care offers quality, safe, trusted, reliable at-home care and support throughout Queensland.
St Vincent’s Care in Queensland can assist with home care services and support to help you improve your lifestyle and stay connected with your community.
You’ll find our services across the Brisbane, Toowoomba, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast regions.
Our Queensland home care services include:
This is our promise to you and your family. Our home care team are here to ensure you can continue living as full a life as possible.
We find carers that are the perfect match for you and will be a familiar face throughout your care with us.
With services across Retirement Living, Home Care, and Aged Care we are best placed to help you, no matter what part of your journey you are on.
Our people will often know exactly what clients and families need (even when they’re not sure themselves!)
St Vincent’s Home Care offers quality, safe, trusted, reliable at-home care and support throughout Queensland.
From lending a hand with daily chores, managing your medication, taking you to and from appointments, providing nursing level services, to supporting your participation in wellness and leisure activities - we can help.
Coordinates your services including home care workers, contractors, nurses and more!
Assists you with tasks around your home and keeps you independent. They can help with your shopping, organise care that works best for you or even sit with you for a cup of tea.
Assists with clinical care such as continence care, wound and injury, safe administration of medication and personal care.
Helps with services at home including physiotherapy, podiatry, nutrition, occupational therapy, remedial massage and more. St Vincent’s can organise for transport to services or if available they can come to you.
Have questions about St Vincent's staff and their qualifications? Learn more about the rules and regulations around hiring in home care, as well as some examples of the training our people go through to give you the best possible care.
The cost of home care depends on your level of support and how you choose to pay. Weigh up your options when it comes to how you pay for home care.
When it comes to an ACAT assessment, you need to come informed and prepared. Talk about the kind of support you need, without accidentally forgetting crucial details that could seriously impact your care.
I’ve been so blessed by the help from my home care workers. They’re on time, know my mood and what to do without me even asking.
Before you get an ACAT or ACAS assessment, chat to us to make sure you’re prepared. Feeling nervous? Give us a call.
Get an ACAT or ACAS assessment to see what level of support you need.
Choose St Vincent’s as your home care provider and we can arrange your home care needs.
Get started with your in home care and meeting your in home care team!
There’s a lot of home care services to choose from that can help support you in your home and sometimes the detail of those services can help give you a better idea of what to expect.
Sometimes when there’s a need for home care, your loved ones aren’t the first to recognise it. Give yourself the best chance at helping your loved ones make an informed choice when it comes to home care.
Are you or your loved one capable of staying at home? Or do you need to consider aged care?
Let us help you find our the right path for you.
St Vincent’s offers tailored services to make sure that everyone who needs extra assistance is covered.
The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) is for people who need a little bit of help every week or fortnight with everyday tasks or activities. It is also available for short term care with an immediate need.
Home Care Packages (HSP) are for people who need more regular help or higher levels of support. There are four levels of care - Level 1 (basic care) to Level 4 (more complex care). For each level of care there is a corresponding budget allocation.
Learn more about the cost of home care