Home Care Package Support & In-Home Care

Home Care

a lady cutting her garden flowers

Find extra support at home with St Vincent's Home Care

Why Choose St Vincent's | Pricing | Services | Our Staff

Home is where the heart is

  • You know where everything is. 
  • You’ve built a lifetime of memories 

  • You’ve spent a lot of time getting things just right 

  • And the peopleplaces and pets you love are right where you need them. 

St Vincent’s has the trained staff and clinical expertise to help you make the most of your home care package and do our best to help you stay in your favourite place for longer. 

couple with an arm around each other on balcony

How St Vincent’s helps you stay at home and the community

St Vincent’s Home Care offers services which aim to help you get around your home and community better with a focus on your own healthlifestyle and future.

Home Maintenance

Domestic Assistance

Clinical Care


Social Support

Exercise & Rehabilitation

Post Hospital Support

Learn more about St Vincent's Home Care

st vincent's home care worker hugging senior client

We highly recommend St Vincent’s Care. Astra & Jacinta have managed & organised all the care needs promptly & always available by phone or email to answer our many questions & requests. As they are also nurses, and with Dad now in the last stages of heart failure, they have educated my sister & I on how to care for Dad through each stage. We see them more as friends. They go above & beyond in all aspects of caring for aged clients.

Anne Watt Family Member & Friend

6 Reasons You Should Choose St Vincent's Home Care

1. Because being at home doesn’t always mean feeling free

man in pain

  • Back and knee pain from an old hip surgery that forces you to stay in a chair or bed all day (which can prevent the chance of improvement).
  • Aching pains from arthritic hands and fingers that stops you from cooking, cleaning and getting around our homes like you used to 

  • Frequent hospital or GP visits from wounds that aren’t healing properly  

  • Constant hand and leg numbness from chronic conditions like diabetes 

  • Breathlessness from heart conditions that make you feel like you couldn’t (and shouldn’t) be moving around 

As we get older, we all pick up things that can keep us from feeling like our old selves.


With St Vincent's support in your homeyou'll have access to clinical expertise that can give yourself the best chance to manage pain and symptoms with the goal of improving your health and lifestyle. 


2. Because St Vincent’s offers specialist care for nearly every scenario 

st vincent's services illustration


  • Aged care support at home (including dementia & Alzheimer's care) 
  • Hospital to home support for things like cancer recovery, diabetes, heart conditions, surgeries and more 

  • Chronic illness management for conditions like diabetes, heart disease and COPD 

  • Continuity of care through St Vincent’s hospitals, aged care homes and retirement villages 

St Vincent’s in home support teams have the clinical expertise, hospital connections and in-house training to deliver care specific to you and your needs.


3. Because you'll get the most out of your Home Care Package with us 

 St Vincent’s offers services that go far beyond standard cleaning and home maintenance so your Home Care Package funding will go to the places where you need it most. 

  • Save money on cleaning and maintenance costs by focusing on your health and mobility first so you can have more of chance to do more for yourself in the long term 

  • Help put your funding towards care that will have the biggest possible impact on your health and lifestyle 

  • Know that with our not-for-profit missionour people are putting your money in services that benefit you most (not just our bottom line) 


4. Because home should feel like home, not a hotel 

 Our team will support you so you can live your life, your way (and not just do everything for you). 

  • Enable you with services and equipment that can help you to look after your own home better 

  • Give you the tools to look after yourself with things like proper diet and exercise 

  • Equip your home with any supports and equipment you need to assist you to get around more safely 


5. Because you’d rather be at home than at the hospital 

 Ongoing in-home clinical care (and not just a one-and-done health visit) can not only be more comfortable for you, but offer more consistent care relevant to your needs. 

  • Aim to catch possible health issues early and delay any unnecessary hospital trips through home health checks by our Registered Nurses 

  • Provide consistent care with the goal of shorter recovery times and better outcomes post-surgery 

  • Keep you worrying less about injuring yourself through trips and falls through home monitoring and care assessment 


6. Because we’ve been supporting the community for over 160 years

 St Vincent’s has been providing care for Australians since our first hospital opened in 1857. And St Vincent’s care and expertise has only grown since then. 

  • Employing staff that love and care about the work they do every day (and resonate with our not-for-profit mission) 

  • Growing a vast network of 12 hospitals and 23 aged care homes across QLD, NSW and VIC 

  • Building clinical expertise in just about every area you can think so we can help in even the trickiest of clinical situations 

  • Taking a long term approach to care over days, weeks, months and years (not just a ‘quick fix’ to send you on your way).

How St Vincent's Helped My Husband

St Vincent's Home Care Fees & Costs

St Vincent's is able to offer competitive pricing for hospital & aged care backed clinical expertise because of our not-for-profit mission. 

For over 160 years, St Vincent's has been supporting the most vulnerable in our community.

If you're unsure about being able to afford home care services, get in touch and see how we can help you.

daughter chatting with dad

What families love about St Vincent's home care

Consistent & qualified staff

Build a relationship with thpeople that support you

Spirit of St Vincent's

As a not-for-profit, we see care as a part of our mission not a business

​Hospital connections

Access a world class health network that can help in even the trickiest of clinical situations

Continuity of care

With services across Retirement LivingHome Care, and Aged Care we can help no matter what part of your journey you are on.

Cleaning support that keeps your home looking its best

  • Kneeling to scrub a bathroom floor 
  • Bending down to grab a load of washing from the front loader 

  • Dusting in hard to reach places.  

There’s some things you’d rather not have to do any more (and can even become unsafe!) 

And because you’ve got better things to do than fuss over soap stains on shower tiles, St Vincent's offer in-house cleaning support from trained care worker professionals. 

st vincent's staff member laughing with home care client

Garden care that gives you pride in your home again

If your garden is your pride and joy, it should stay that way. 

  • Freshly mowed lawns 

  • Trimmed shrubs 

  • And as much (or as little) maintenance for yourself as you like 

St Vincent's can organise regular garden maintenance services so your garden stays safe to navigate (and in tip-top shape!) 

lady cutting flowers in her garden

Mobility support that can help you move around your home (and out of it)

Because a day spent alone in front of the TV is hardly living life to the fullest, we  provide services that can help you feel more confident getting around your home and community. 

  • Transport services so that you don’t feel trapped in your own home (and have a routine of shop visits, social calls and appointments) 

  • House modifications that can help you to stop leaning on furniture or ‘couch hopping’ to move around your house 

  • Exercise support through physiotherapists that aim to keep you feeling balancedstrong and confident  

couple walking hand in hand in garden

13 ways our team can help maintain your home and support your lifestyle

Changing broken lightbulbs

Taking out bins

Laundry and linen services

Allied health services

Trimming hedges and mowing the grass

Dusting hard to reach places

Meal preparation and delivery

Bathroom cleans & scrubs

Home Maintenance

Transport to and from appointments

Sitting down for a tea and chat

Help with the weekly shopping

Help with morning and afternoon tea

Stories from our St Vincent's Families

Cathy's Story

"Every time Dad's needed something, it's done. It's just like magic. Even things I didn't think of they would do."

Cathy never really thought about home care for her parents before needing it. She hadn't even considered aged care.

"I told them I wasn't coping. You try and put on a brave face, but with Mum, I still had two kids at home while I was working. It was pretty much, we need to get help, or I'm going to have to get help for me."

The worst of it started when Cathy's mum got sick. Lung cancer. That was over 10 years ago. But since using St Vincent's home care, it's taken the weight off Cathy and her whole family.

"Thankfully with St Vincent's, they let the same girls come. They built up trust. They got to know the girls and then they started to look forward to them coming."

Cathy's dad Jack, agrees.

"I was only saying to the girls this morning how pleased I am with them all."

"Ten out of 10 as far as I'm concerned."

> Read the rest of Cathy and Jack's Story

Jeanette and Steven's Story

“They came in when he got too hard for just me to look after. They came around and gave him a tablet. Helped with showering. Everything we needed they would do. Even help getting around with the car.”

From living in Southport with home care, to retirement living with St Vincent’s and now with her husband Steven living in St Vincent’s aged care next door, Jeanette has experienced it all.

While the move to Villa la Salle was made for all the right reasons, it didn’t always mean things were easy. As Steven’s dementia caught up with him, getting extra support became a must for Jeanette. It started with reaching out to a care coordinator who they had worked with previously and ended up being that St Vincent’s home care were the ones who answered the call.

“They came in when he got too hard for just me to look after. They came around and gave him a tablet. Helped with showering. Everything we needed they would do. Even help getting around with the car.”

Even after Stephen has moved into aged care, Jeanette still gets her house cleaned by St Vincent’s care worker, Kim, who was actually doing a clean while we chatted with Jeanette.


“Once a week to do a clean. And she does an hour now. She’s a wonderful girl. Knows where everything is.”

“She’s so good [Kim]. She talks to the dog like he’s human.”

> Read the rest of Jeanette's story

Clinical care that aims to keep you at home for longer

  • Delay moving out of the home for as long as possible with an entire team of specialists and clinical carers supporting you over days, weeks, months and years 
  • Treat niggling pains that might be holding you back from looking after your home like you used to 

  • Engage support from experts like physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists for exercise, strength and in-home modifications 

  • Receive specific guidance on things like diet and exercise so you give yourself more of a chance to enjoy the life (and the home) you deserve. 


By walking with you over weeks, months and even years, we can proactively do our best to keep you at home (and out of the hospital) for longer. 

st vincent's staff member with older man on exercise bike

16 more ways our home care team can help support your health

Medication management & administering

Clinical welfare checks

24/7 health monitoring & devices

Mobility assistance

Nutritional support & plans

Catheter and ostomy care

Assistance with showering

Mental health support

Diabetes, heart disease and COPD management support

Personal Care

Wound care & monitoring

Dementia & Alzheimer's support

Telehealth and video call support

Same sex personal carers

Blood pressure monitoring

Weight management

Specialist clinical support access within the St Vincent’s Health Network

Because of the St Vincent's network of hospitals and healthcare, we have access to world-class clinical support and expertise. 

  • Oncologists for cancer treatment and management in the home 

  • Urologists for kidney, bladder & prostate treatment and exercises 

  • Occupational Therapists for organising mobility equipment & supports and creating strategies for preventing falls 

  • Vascular specialists for wound care & pain management 

  • Cardiologists for heart health and ongoing heart condition management 

  • ...and many, many more. 

st vincent's staff member hugging an older lady

Real-life examples of St Vincent's Hospital connections in action

Russell was a long-standing patient of St Vincent’s Melbourne’s District Nursing Team receiving support for his home Catheter management. Because of Russell’s increased clinical needs, he was assessed for a home care package. But because of Russell’s on-going catheter care, Russell’s family was unable to find a suitable home care provider that could support him properly. 

Because of the established connected care pathways at St Vincent’s, our home care team was able to transfers Russell’s care without any impact to his catheter management or nursing team while also ensuring additional services were adde to support his healthy ageing in the community. 

Betty was a St Vincent’s home care client based in Toowoomba, who transferred to Melbourne to be closer to some of her family. 

Sadly, after her move, Betty suffered a stroke which landed her in a St Vincent’s hospital. After making a recovery in hospital, Betty then stepped down to hospital transition care and finally returned to her St Vincent’s home care package service.  

Throughout her journey Betty’s care was seamless, involving timely coordination of care as well as continuity of staff & services across multiple St Vincent’s programs.

This ensured that Betty was able to receive the right services, at the right time in the right location all within St Vincent's Health Australia ecosystem to support her recovery and experience. 

St Vincent's Home Care Staff

What are St Vincent's home care staff like?

  • Kind and respectful (and trained to be) 
  • They're willing to do things (and keep things) just the way you like them 

  • Skilled in providing the clinical and lifestyle services you need 

  • The right match for you and your preferences 

  • Accessible when you need them  

  • Dedicated to their work as a personal calling (not just a weekly paycheck) 

The idea of having a stranger in your home can be quite confronting. 

But when a St Vincent's home care worker visits, they're trained to respect you and your home and keep things just the way you like them. 

st vincent's staff member kneeling down to talk with home care client

Because outstanding care is the St Vincent’s way

A heritage of care

Over 160 years of developing our caring expertise across hospitals, aged care and in-home care

Familiar faces

Consistent staff that get to know you over a period of days, weeks, months and years (and help you more because of it) 

People first, not profit

A not-for-profit mission aimed at getting the best outcome for your health and lifestyle (not squeezing money out of you for shareholders) 

I’ve been so blessed by the help from my home care workers. They’re on time, know my mood and what to do without me even asking.

Mary Parsons Home Care Client

St Vincent's staff qualifications & training

  • 100% of our staff engage in additional training and competencies, in particular their clinical understanding through the reach of St Vincent’s hospitals 

  • St Vincent’s have a dedicated & long standing care team, with some team members working with us for over 15 years 

  • All of our Registered Nurses are AHPRA registered and have a bachelor in nursing 

st vincent's home care staff member

St Vincent's home care staff requirements

✔ Trained & competent

 Meets legislative requirements to work

​✔ Wears ID for easy identification

​✔ Wears uniform relevant to their role

Meet your Home Care Team

From lending a hand with daily chores, managing your medication, taking you to and from appointments, providing nursing level services, to supporting your participation in wellness and leisure activities - we can help.

Home care coordinator

Coordinates your services including home care workers, contractors, nurses and more!

Home care worker

Assists you with tasks around your home and keeps you independent. They can help with your shopping, organise care that works best for you or even sit with you for a cup of tea. 

Home care nurses

Assists with clinical care such as continence care, wound and injury, safe administration of medication and personal care. 

Allied health

Helps with services at home including physiotherapy, podiatry, nutrition, occupational therapy, remedial massage and more. St Vincent’s can organise for transport to services or if available they can come to you. 

4 Steps to get Home Care

Step 1
Call us

Before you get an ACAT assessment, chat to us to make sure you’re prepared. Feeling nervous? Call 1800 778 767.

Step 2
Get assessed

Get an ACAT assessment to see what level of support you need.

Step 3
Arrange your services

Choose St Vincent’s as your home care provider and we can arrange your home care needs.

Step 4
Start your care

Get started with your in home care and meeting your in home care team!

Get in touch with our home care team

Home care enquiries phone number

 1800 778 767

Home care enquiries contact form

Frequently asked questions

There are many reasons why people use home care. Maybe getting around your house or to your latest appointment is a bit harder than it used to be. Perhaps you require nursing care, and you want that type of assistance in the comfort of your own home. No matter the reason, our home care and community team can assist you in regaining confidence and maintaining independence at home, for longer.

The first step in getting help at home is to get an ACAT/ACAS assessment. To arrange an ACAT assessment you need to contact the customer service centre of MyAgedCare on 1800 200 422 or fill out the online form.

However, we recommend chatting with our friendly team first to make sure you’re getting the most out of your application and not losing out on any funding you’re entitled to.

St Vincent’s offers tailored services to make sure that everyone who needs extra assistance is covered.

  • Personal care
  • Nursing care
  • Domestic assistance
  • Home maintenance
  • Transport assistance
  • Social support (virtual and in-person)
  • Exercise and rehabilitation
  • Post hospital support
  • Meal preparation
Learn more about home care services here

The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) is for people who need a little bit of help every week or fortnight with everyday tasks or activities. It is also available for short term care with an immediate need.

Home Care Packages (HSP) are for people who need more regular help or higher levels of support. There are four levels of care - Level 1 (basic care) to Level 4 (more complex care). For each level of care there is a corresponding budget allocation.

Learn more about the cost of home care

The costs of home care will depend on the amount and level of support required and what kind of government support you can secure. Access to government funding will depend on your income and assets which are looked at by your Aged Care Assessment Team/Service (ACAT/S).

To best prep for your ACAT/S and make sure you’re not missing out on any funding you might be entitled to, chat with our friendly team.

Both the CHSP and HCP have different payment systems. With a HCP, each level aligns to a set amount of funding each year. Depending on your financial circumstances, you may be expected to contribute to the cost of your care. With the CHSP, you will receive a government subsidy for the services you receive however will be asked to contribute to the cost of your home care.

Learn more about the cost of home care

The idea of having a stranger in your home can be quite confronting. It can also be a bit of an adjustment to incorporate someone new into your routine.

St Vincent’s home care workers are:
  • Willing to do things the way you like them
  • Skilled in providing the services you need
  • The right match for you
  • Accessible when you need them
When a home care worker visits, they are there to support you and how you live your life. Because at the end of the day, it’s your choice who provides support for you. 

Learn more about staff and qualifications for home care