Helpful aged care links

How to talk about aged care with your family

Helpful Aged Care Links

Navigating Aged Care can at times seem overwhelming, so we have put together some helpful links for you and loved ones as places they can visit or providers they can call for guidance or clarity.

With everything from financial support to just getting started in aged care, there are an abundance services and websites you can use.

For starting in aged care

Aged Care Assessment

To find out if you are eligible for Australian Government support for residential aged care or home care services, you MUST be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). To find your local Aged Care Assessment Team contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. 

My Aged Care
Your hub for everything Aged Care. You can search for aged care providers and services and learn more about how Aged Care works. 

Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia is a consumer organisation that provides information, support advocacy and education to people with dementia, family members and carers, as well as health professionals and the wider community. 

Australian Government Department Of Veterans’ Affairs
This website provides information on pensions, health, housing and commemorations for former members of the Australian Defence Force and their families and friends.

Australian Government Department Of Immigration And Border Protection: Translating And Interpreting Service (Tis National)Translating and interpreting help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week with TIS National.

For palliative and end of life support

Palliative Care Australia

Palliative Care Australia is the National peak body for Palliative Care services, providers and consumers. You can find information and support here if your loved one is coming to the end of their life.

Aged Care

For carers

Carer Gateway
A government funded site giving advice and guidance to carers and providing avenues for financial support. 

Carers Australia
Carers Australia is the national peak body representing Australia’s carers. It advocates on their behalf to influence policies and services at a national level. 

Caring for a loved one can be extremely difficult. If you’re at a breaking point, you can talk to someone at Lifeline for guidance and advice.

For feedback

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
If you have a concern or complaint that you have not been able to resolve by talking with your service provider, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) can support you, with information and options, to resolve your concerns with the service provider.

Still unsure?

If there’s anything related to aged care that you feel you need to talk to someone about, or if you’re just looking for someone to talk it through with, call  us on 1800 778 767.